
Digital Therapy Cards

Simple. Flexible. Effective

Click here to try now -  7 day free trial

A rich and diverse toolbox to enhance your therapeutic work online and in the clinic.


Works with all video conferencing software. Invite your clients to sessions as guests.

1- 8  Particpants

Can move the cards at the same time. Use on your own, with a therapist or with groups.

12 different types of cards

You can even mix decks! Reflection cards, emotions, values, questionnaires and many more!


Use how ever you want! Choose your own backgrounds, mix decks, hode cards, flip them, spread them, share them! We dont enforce a preset procedure.

What is Digi Card Therapy?

Digi Card Therapy offers effective tools for facilitating personal development, increased awareness and focus on internal work processes in a dynamic and playful way. The site combines online tools, ideas and different ways of working with a vairiety of different therapy cards. The available cards decks include values, questionnaires, quotes, pictures, resilience and many more.
Digi Card Therapy was developed for remote work using platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and all other video conferencing software.

Click here to try now -  7 day free trial

Which cards are available?

Emotion Feeling cards

Value cards

Values are our perspective, our worldviews, our compass. Many of our choices are the result of values, but we don't always know how to identify them. Our choices are a result of the values on which we live and act. The value deck includes dozens of values and worksheets on values

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

Emotion CArds

Seemingly emotions are the most obvious thing, but we do not always know how to recognize our emotions. Working with the emotions deck allows for a more intimate acquaintance with our feelings..

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

PhotO Cards

The photo deck includes dozens of images that allow for associative and experiential work to increase awareness and accelerate mental processes.

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

Trauma Anxiety

A model for treating anxiety and trauma disorders according to the unique protocol of Prof. Mooli Lahad and Dr. Miki Doron. The decks include spectacular paintings with the help of which we will mark a "safe place" and gently address anxiety or trauma.

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

Quote CArds

Quotes are a source of inspiration, vision, they can be a way and represent a worldview. Wwe have collected includes dozens of quotes from the most inspiring philosophers, scientists, artists and personalities in human history.

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

Animal Cards

Studies have repeatedly shown that contact with animals contributes to our health and reduces stress and anxiety. The cards dedicated to animals in “Digi Card Therapy” direct this deep and strong connection to therapeutic work. The use of animal cards allows for open and experiential work with children and adults alike.

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

Meaningful Questions

Asking the right question is one of the most important skills for a person, both in relation to himself and in relation to others. 
It is in the power of questions to dispel mist, cross barriers and crack enigmas. In our deck of question cards we offer a variety of questions that will pave the way for optimal therapeutic work. Are you ready?

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90
Emotion Feeling cards

NAture & Eco-Therapy

Nature acts as a therapeutic partner. It can have an active role - not just a beautiful setting. The eco-therapy deck can offer a powerful opportunity to integrate nature into our therapeutic work – even when we are working remotely.

Monthly: $2.49 Yearly:$19.90

Adam Leighton - Founder

Adam is trained in various therapeutic approaches, including highly innovative approaches such as ACT and wilderness adventure nature therapy. After years of a satisfying career, and out of a desire to devote all his time to working with people, Adam made a switch to the field, uniting his love to working with people and nature.

About Us

Digi Card Therapy - online tools for therapists